- Beneath the cacophony of insults and denunciations of Indian politics lies a deadly convergence in the political system, writes Meghnad Desai in the Indian Express.
- Suhasini Haider, in the Hindu, observes how Prime Minister Narendra Modi is dialling down the aggression in bilateral ties with neighbours.
- Avinash Mohananey in the Economic Times finds Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s sudden warmth laudable but baffling.
- In the Telegraph, Dipankar Dasgupta on how United States President Donald Trump’s sanctions against Iran are affecting oil prices and economies around the world.
- In the Hindu BLInk, Denis Giles on disastrous encounters between the Great Andamanese and the outside world.
- The video of a 15-year-old Syrian refugee in Britain being assaulted by fellow schoolboys takes Kenan Malik back to the routine racism he suffered in the 1970s, he writes in the Guardian.
- Max Zirngast, an Austrian journalist incarcerated in Turkey because of his work, writes in the Washington Post, asking why Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is afraid of people like him.
- In the Atlantic, Yasmeen Serhan and Kathy Gilisinan on life in Yemen, where people battle what is arguably the world’s worst humanitarian crisis but face no good choices.
- James Meek reads Alan Rusbridger’s book on the remaking of journalism for the London Review of Books.
- Finally, an editorial in the Hindu reopens the debate on the death penalty and makes a case for abolition.