1. Beneath the cacophony of insults and denunciations of Indian politics lies a deadly convergence in the political system, writes Meghnad Desai in the Indian Express.
  2. Suhasini Haider, in the Hindu, observes how Prime Minister Narendra Modi is dialling down the aggression in bilateral ties with neighbours.
  3. Avinash Mohananey in the Economic Times finds Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s sudden warmth laudable but baffling.
  4. In the Telegraph, Dipankar Dasgupta on how United States President Donald Trump’s sanctions against Iran are affecting oil prices and economies around the world.
  5. In the Hindu BLInk, Denis Giles on disastrous encounters between the Great Andamanese and the outside world.
  6. The video of a 15-year-old Syrian refugee in Britain being assaulted by fellow schoolboys takes Kenan Malik back to the routine racism he suffered in the 1970s, he writes in the Guardian.
  7. Max Zirngast, an Austrian journalist incarcerated in Turkey because of his work, writes in the Washington Post, asking why Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is afraid of people like him.
  8. In the Atlantic, Yasmeen Serhan and Kathy Gilisinan on life in Yemen, where people battle what is arguably the world’s worst humanitarian crisis but face no good choices.
  9. James Meek reads Alan Rusbridger’s book on the remaking of journalism for the London Review of Books.
  10. Finally, an editorial in the Hindu reopens the debate on the death penalty and makes a case for abolition.