- Justice Arun Mishra’s controversial tenure epitomised the worst tendencies of the current Supreme Court. He never sat alone. All his decisions – the best and the worst – were enabled and approved by fellow judges, write Anup Surendranath, Aparna Chandra and Suchindran Baskar Narayan in Article 14.
- By ordering the removal of 48,000 hutments along Delhi’s railway tracks in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Supreme Court has endangered the lives and failed to uphold the interconnected rights, of these dwellers, argues Rishika Saghal in Indian Constitutional Law and Philosophy.
- Predictably, both the Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party are claiming to be victim of Facebook’s censorship policy, says Pratap Bhanu Mehta on the recent controversies of political bias in the popular social networking site. But the truth is this: Censorship, whether public or private, will always invite charges of partisanship.
- The decision to drop Question Hour in the upcoming Parliament session goes against the grain of democracy. Question Hour helps the government feel the pulse of the nation, argues former Vice President Hamid Ansari in The Hindu.
- India’s GDP dipped by 23% in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the previous year. But given that the numbers do not properly reflect the unorganised sector, there may be further downward revisions, says Arun Kumar in The Wire.
- Given that the opinion polls suggest Donald Trump cannot win a straight fight in the November elections, his next best scenario is to creare a cloud of confusion and doubt over the November result, says Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian.
- In 2017, the New York Times dissolved its copy desk, possibly permitting more typos to slip through. Meet the anonymous lawyer who’s correcting the paper of record one untactful tweet at a time in this profile on The Ringer.
- Young Indians are turning online detectives to try and crack missing person cases abroad, reports Anu Prabhakar in Huffpost India. They pore over social media accounts and other information online to find clues that could help them win global competitions.
- Recently declassified White House tapes reveal how President Nixon’s racism and misogyny led him to ignore the genocidal violence of the Pakistani military in what is today Bangladesh, writes Gary J Bass in The New York Times.
- Henry Wallace was an ambitious left-winger in Roosevelt’s Democratic Party who, as secretary of agriculture and then as vice president, helped make radical the New Deal of the 1930s. His ultimate defeat by the right of his own party shows the obstacles the insurgent left has always faced within the Democratic Party, argues Paul Heideman in Jacobin.
How Justice Arun Mishra reflected the worst tendencies of Supreme Court and nine other weekend reads
Ten must-read pieces this Sunday.