The Indian American community in the United States is gaining significant momentum as one of the fastest-growing and influential demographics. According to the Pew Research Center, the current population of Indian Americans exceeds 4.5 million, with projections suggesting it will reach over 9 million by 2050. This population presents an attractive target audience for brands due to their potential purchasing power and receptivity to advertising.

A Trusted Platform:, a prominent news and opinion website tailored for Indian Americans, commands a substantial readership of over 500,000 in the United States. It serves as a reliable source of news and information for this community, making it a potential advertising platform to consider.

Benefits of Advertising on

1. Engaged Audience: Readers on actively spend an average of 10 minutes per day on the platform, frequently engaging with articles and sharing content.

2. Targeted Reach: offers advertisers the option to target specific demographics, such as age, gender, location, and interests, ensuring their ads reach relevant audiences.

3. Click-Through Potential: The platform’s readers are more likely to click on ads that resonate with their interests, potentially leading to better conversion rates.

The Indian American Community: Key Statistics

  • Average age: 36.6 years old (as of 2020)
  • Education: 48% of Indian Americans have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 33% of the overall U.S. population.
  • Income: The median household income for Indian Americans is $122,149, compared to $67,521 for the overall U.S. population.
  • Where they live: The states with the highest Indian American populations are California (35%), New Jersey (12%), Texas (10%), New York (9%), and Illinois (8%).
  • Home ownership: The homeownership rate for Indian Americans is 77%, compared to 65% for the overall U.S. population.
  • Business ownership: Indian Americans are more likely to be business owners than the overall U.S. population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 17% of Indian Americans are self-employed, compared to 10% of the overall population.

Additional Advantages of Advertising on

1. Cost-Effectiveness: Advertisers can choose from various advertising options on to suit their budgets.

2. Platform Flexibility: Brands can place their ads on different platforms, including the website, mobile app, and social media.

3. Measurable Performance: provides detailed analytics, empowering advertisers to track and assess the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Consider Advertising on

For brands looking to connect with the Indian American audience in the United States, advertising on offers a potential avenue to explore. With its significant readership and trusted reputation, can be a platform to reach and engage with this growing and influential community.

Interested in advertising on Reach out today to learn more about this opportunity to connect with the Indian American audience.

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