The Indian boxing contingent is in danger of losing a quota for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, after Parveen Hooda was accused of breaking an anti-doping rule.

As reported by The Hindustan Times, Hooda has been suspended by the World Anti Doping Agency for a period of 18 months.

The 24-year-old from Haryana allegedly failed to disclose her whereabouts details, as required by WADA’s rules. She had won the Olympic quota in the women’s 57kg event after clinching bronze at the Asian Games in Hangzhou last year.

According to the whereabouts rule, athletes are required to provide their home address and other information such as training location, competition schedule, and even details regarding personal activities, in order for WADA officials to conduct surprise tests.

Three whereabouts failures within 12 months “constitute an anti-doping rule violation, for which the applicable sanction is [two] years’ ineligibility subject to a reduction to a minimum of [one] year,” according to the WADA rule.

Hooda reportedly picked up three whereabouts failures between April 2022 to March 2023.

With the suspension, Hooda, who is a world championships bronze medallist, may lose her Olympic berth with the Games set to begin on July 26 in Paris. The Boxing Federation of India however, is said to be in talks with the world body in order to have the suspension overturned.

“So far, no quota has been taken away from India,” BFI general secretary Hemanta Kalita said to The Indian Express. “We are working hard to ensure we keep the quota. We have filed our replies and talks are ongoing. No decision has been taken yet but we are trying to make sure the quota stays.”

Hooda has not fought in a competitive bout since she won bronze at the Asian Games in October.