In what is surely one of the most inspiring tales that will come out of the Paralympics 2016, 50-year-old Kazakhstani swimmer Zulfiya Gabidullina set a new world record, finishing in one minute and 30.07 seconds in the S3 100-metre freestyle category. Gabidullina also became the first para-athlete to win a medal fo her country.

The S3 classification is reserved for athletes with amputations or if they have trouble using their legs, along with coordination difficulties. Gabidullina beat the previous holder of the world record in the S3 class by nearly a second.

Gabidullina was previously a wheelchair racer and took up swimming only in her thirties. Following her feat, the swimmer has been hailed as national hero. Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev said, "Having won the first gold medal at the Paralympic Games in the history of our country, you have brought great joy to all people of Kazakhstan. The world knows you as a strong athlete from Kazakhstan. Your victory is the result of years of hard work."