It was a good day in the office for shooter Heena Sidhu as she won the women’s 10m air pistol gold and also set a new national final record at the ongoing 60th National shooting championships in Pune on Wednesday, reported Times of India. Sidhu scored 201.9 to break Malaika Goel’s earlier record of 201.1 set in 2013 and beat Yasha Singh (197.8) of Rajasthan by 4.1 points. It was a hard earned victory for Sidhu as she had to rely on inner 10s to get into the final. Heena had shot 378 in the qualifications, a score that was recorded by four other shooters. Railways’ Priyanka Susvirkar was placed seventh with 12 inner 10s, while Heena was eighth in the qualifications with 11 inner 10s.
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