Having resorted to shadow boxing against Indian Olympic Association president N Ramchandran for over a year now, International Hockey Federation (FIH) President Narinder Batra on Saturday dropped enough hints about contesting the next election for the top post but just stopped short of confirming the move.
The IOA is set to elect a new president on December 14 after N Ramachandran made it clear that he would not contest the polls. “It is not my intention to stand for election as president of the IOA in the ensuing elections,” Ramachandran said in a letter addressed to the IOA members.
“I am nearing 70 and I intend to abide by the Constitution of the IOA and the guidelines framed by the International Olympic Association,” he had added. If Ramchandran had contested and won a second term, he would have to vacant the post next year because he would turn 70. IOA members are following the Sports Code guideline of the 70-year age cap for office bearers.
N Ramachandran letter to IOA members. FIH President Narinder Batra is the frontrunner but Tennis honcho Anil Khanna is still in contention pic.twitter.com/4E9c3lW7S0
— Digvijay Singh Deo (@DiggySinghDeo) November 16, 2017
Batra has been a known critic of Ramchandran and only last month held a meeting of a prominent faction in the IOA to push the president to call for an Executive Committee meeting to decide the date of election.
The FIH president, who was in Pune to witness the experiment of mixed team matches, did not give a direct answer to a query about whether he would contest the polls but did outline his vision if he was to become the next president.
“Wait till November 29 that is the last day for nominations. So you will see whether my name is there or not.
“Sports in India needs to improve and if I get a chance, sports in India has to go to the next level. Just being mediocre is not accepted. A country like India winning two medals is unacceptable. India is a country which should look at double figures in medals. Otherwise we are wasting our time,” he added.
Batra also said that athletes will be judged on merit and the selection process will be transparent and clean. “You have to plan it properly from the grassroots level. Money is being spent, everything is being done, but everything has to channelized and controlled. The selection has to be transparent and clean. If you are my relative you are in, that system has to go. You are good, you are in irrespective of your background,” he added.
While Batra is a clear front runner for the post right now, source indicate that IOA treasurer Anil Khanna is also in the race. A clearer picture is only likely to emerge after last date of filling of nominations.