Olympic bronze medallist Yogeshwar Dutt on Tuesday insisted that he was far from finished and has set his sights on a strong finish in the World Championships, which will be held later this year, Times of India reported.

“I am looking to make a winning return in the World Championship,” Yogeshwar said. “And, I am telling all my detractors that my wrestling career isn’t over yet.”

But he is yet to decide if he will participate in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

The 35-year old missed out on a medal at Rio Olympics 2016 and has been running his academy at Haryana’s Sonipat since. “I want to give the country a new generation of wrestlers who will get India medals at the international stage. There are around 200 young wrestlers at my academy who are not only from Haryana, but also come from Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Hyderabad and Maharashtra,” he said.

Dutt’s wards have camped in a college in his native village, Bali. Earlier, he had announced that he was in the process of stetting up a sprawling five-acre academy: “By the 2024 Olympics, I can guarantee that my academy will produce three to four wrestlers who will win medals for the country.”