Ghaziabad gangrape claim fabricated to frame property dispute rivals, allege police
On Tuesday, a woman had alleged of being raped by five men after being dragged into a car while on her way back to home in Delhi.

The Ghaziabad Police on Thursday alleged that a Delhi woman’s claims that she had been gangraped and assaulted by five men in the Uttar Pradesh city were fabricated in order to frame rivals in a property dispute.
On Tuesday, the woman had filed a complaint alleging that she had been gangraped after being dragged into a car by five men in Ghaziabad while she was on her home to Delhi. On Wednesday, the police had arrested four persons, who they had said were in a property dispute with the woman’s family.
The Delhi Commission of Women had released a statement claiming that the woman was found on a road in “a pool of blood, with an iron rod inserted in her private parts”. The women’s panel had also claimed that she was in a very critical condition.
However, a spokesperson of Delhi’s Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, where the woman had been admitted, said that her condition was stable and no internal injuries were found.
At a press conference on Thursday evening, Meerut Inspector General Praveen Kumar claimed that the entire episode was a conspiracy to frame the men whom the police had initially arrested.
The woman was neither kidnapped nor was she illegally confined. Instead, the police have claimed, that the woman and her brother planned the series of events with three of their associates named Azad, Afzal and Gaurav.
जनपद गाजियाबाद के थाना नंदग्राम से सम्बन्धित प्रकरण मे महिला द्वारा अपने साथियो के साथ षडयंत्र रचते हुए दर्शायी गई झूठी घटना के खुलासे के सम्बन्ध मे प्रेस ब्रीफिंग करते हुए श्रीमान @igrangemeerut व #SSP_GZB @IPSMUNIRAJ.1/N@CMOfficeUP @UPGovt @homeupgov @Uppolice @NCWIndia
— GHAZIABAD POLICE (@ghaziabadpolice) October 20, 2022
In her complaint, the woman had alleged that she had been raped while on her way back to Delhi after attending his brother’s birthday party in Ghaziabad.
On Thursday, the police claimed that the woman’s brother dropped her at a designated spot, from where she was picked by her associates. Azad was the main conspirator, the vehicle used for the crime belonged to Gaurav, and the woman also took help from Afzal, the police said.
They added that the chats found on Azad’s phone revealed discussions about spreading false news that the woman had been raped. The police also said that the woman had refused to get herself medically examined in Meerut and insisted that she be taken to Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital in Delhi.
The police have taken Azad, Afzal and Gaurav into custody.
Three accused Afzal, Azaad and Gaurav who according to Police conspired the story were arrested. More details to be updated by Police.
— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) October 20, 2022