Indian passport ranks 69th among 193 nations on global index, UAE tops the list
India shares the same ranking with countries like The Gambia, Ghana, Uzbekistan and Tanzania.

The Indian passport ranks 69th of 193 nations in the latest global passport Index released by Arton Capital.
The passport of the United Arab Emirates is ranked number one.
According to the index, Indians can travel visa-free to 24 nations but need a visa-on-arrival for 48 others and a visa for 126 countries.
Arton Capital said that the index is based on information provided by the governments, updated in real-time with intelligence obtained through crowdsourcing and enhanced with proprietary research from highly credible sources.
In the latest ranking, 10 European countries – Germany, Sweden, Finland, Luxembourg, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland – and South Korea stood in the second position.
The United States ranked third along with Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, Norway, Poland, Ireland and New Zealand. Afghanistan stood last at 97.
In a statement, Arton said that global mobility was on the rise despite the conflict in Europe and growing tensions over borders – a reference to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, reported Bloomberg.
“Though the world continues to feel the aftershocks of the pandemic, surprisingly, travelling has never been easier, with steady growth in passport power across the board, a trend that we predict will continue into 2023,” it said.
India shares its rank with The Gambia, Ghana, Uzbekistan and Tanzania.