Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday apologised for his remark about a High Court judge at a public meeting in Bhiwani, reported The Indian Express.

Khattar had said that the judge has “some issues in his head” and that “they would be soon be fixed”. A video of his remarks has been widely shared on social media.

The chief minister had made the remarks in response to a question about the recruitment drive of police constables in Haryana in 2019 that has been challenged before Punjab and Haryana High Court.

“That problem [recruitment] will be solved,” Khattar had said. “There is a judge, there is some issue with his head. We will fix that. I am aware of the entire matter. Three thousand of 5,000 have joined. The remaining 2,000 who are left, they will get the court ruling soon.”

The Congress had criticised Khattar’s remarks, describing it as a direct attack on the judiciary.

“How can the chief minister blame the judge for anything?” Congress leader Randeep Surjewala said on Sunday. “Rather, he [Khattar] should clarify who is at fault when a recruitment has not been completed for almost four years – the government or the court?”

However, just a day later of criticisim, Khattar said that he believes he should not have made the remarks.

“I respect courts of law,” the chief minister said, according to the newspaper. “I immediately also said that there is no doubt that whatever the court’s rule is the final verdict. Things move forward by maintaining a balance among the judiciary, executive and legislature.”