The Wrestling Federation of India, suspended by the Union Sports Ministry, has announced plans to move its office to Connaught Place in Delhi early next month amid reports that it has been operating from the residence of its former chief and Bharatiya Janata Party MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh at 21, Ashoka Road, reported PTI.

The news agency quoted an unidentified federation official as admitting that the organisation has been operating from Singh’s home.

The Indian Express on Saturday also reported that the federation was operating out of Singh’s residence.

Singh, however, told The Indian Express that “currently the WFI office is in Hari Nagar and we are looking for a new place”.

Singh, who is facing charges of sexual harassment, stalking and intimidation after protests by some of the country’s top professional wrestlers in 2023, asserted that the government has no say in the federation’s office location.

A Delhi court on May 10 ordered the framing of charges against Singh based on complaints by several women wrestlers.

The sports ministry, suspending the federation in December 2023, cited concerns over its functioning from premises linked to former office bearers and procedural lapses in conducting elections.

Sanjay Singh, who currently heads the federation, also said that it was operating an office in Hari Nagar and that it plans to shift offices to Connaught Place on Basant Panchami on February 2, reported ANI.

Singh, meanwhile, defended his association with wrestling, saying: “I am associated with wrestling for a long time, and because of this, wrestlers and people associated with the sport keep coming to 21, Ashoka Road. There is no restriction on me to meet athletes.”

PTI also reported that United World Wrestling, the sport’s global governing body, has issued fresh suspension threats over political interference in the wrestling federation’s functioning.

United World Wrestling President Nenad Lalovic emphasised that the Wrestling Federation of India’s autonomy must be upheld. “Suspension measures will be considered should the autonomy of your federation not be upheld fully and for the long term,” he wrote to the organisation, according to PTI.

The Delhi High Court recently reinstated an ad-hoc panel to select Indian wrestling teams for international competitions in lieu of the federation, but the Indian Olympic Association has refused to comply claiming it is not bound by the court’s order.

Sports Minister Mansukh Mandaviya has announced a review of the wrestling federation’s suspension after protests by wrestlers whose participation in international competitions was affected by legal disputes.