India has been struck off the list of safe destinations recommended for Russian tourists, a decision that will hit Goa in particular. It is estimated that nearly half of all Goa’s foreign tourists come from Russia. The Russian Information Centre in Goa released a statement on Saturday saying the country had taken India off its safe list, following the blacklisting of Egypt and Turkey. "Both India and Goa were not considered as good destinations for Russian travellers," said Ekaterina Belyakova, head of the Russian information centre. “In 2013, the number of Russian tourists visiting Goa was 250,000.”

The Centre, however, said that the advisory against travelling to India was not because of the threat of terror attacks, but because of several untoward local incidents. Moreover, a weakening Russian economy has meant that the country’s travel advisories favour cheaper destinations closer to home, the Economic Times reported. Russia has since added Cuba, south Vietnam and southern China to its recommended list, saying they have excellent infrastructure, friendly atmosphere and warm winters. Russian tourists have been forbidden to go to Egypt and Turkey after a Russian airliner carrying 224 people was downed in the Sinai Peninsula in a terror attack claimed by ISIS.