Anti-Muslim rhetoric could undermine national security, says Pentagon
Without naming Donald Trump, the department of defence said that the narrative of a US war against Islam would only fuel ISIS’ agenda.

The Pentagon on Tuesday took a swipe at Republican Presidential candidate Donald trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, warning leaders against bolstering the narrative that the country is at war against Islam. The rhetoric feeds the Islamic State’s ideology, US officials warned. Pentagon spokesperson Peter Cook, without naming Trump directly, said, "Anything that bolsters ISIL's narrative and pits the United States against the Muslim faith is certainly not only contrary to our values, but contrary to our national security,” Reuters reported.
Cook said that hundreds of Muslims serve in the US military, and antagonising people of the faith would alienate countries in the Middle East that are helping in the fight against ISIS. At least 3,817 active-duty members in the military and 2,079 members of the National Guard identify as Muslim. More than 3 million Muslims live in the US, a point Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton also raised while slamming Trump in an open letter on Tuesday. US Secretary of Homeland Security and Secretary of State John Kerry have also criticised Trump for his comments.