Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday demanded a Central Bureau of Investigation inquiry into the alleged corruption in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. Kejriwal blamed the Bharatiya Janata Party, which runs the civic body, for the MCD employees' strike and accused the party of spreading trash across Delhi.

The Aam Aadmi Party chief said that the MCD workers' strike was understandable as they were not being paid their salary. "We have paid the money to MCD. Where has the money gone?," Kejriwal said, adding that it was "a classic case of financial mismanagement and corruption". He also announced a loan of Rs 550 crore to two municipal corporations in the city, and asked the municipal workers to call off their strike.

Earlier, the MCD doctors' association, which is participating in the ongoing strike, urged both the Delhi government and the Centre to consider taking over the health services from the civic body as a permanent solution. In a letter to Kejriwal, the association also pleaded that either the Delhi government or the Centre intervene immediately to bail out the MCD from its financial crisis so that salaries of all employees can be paid as soon as possible.