‘Needless or continuous’ honking may soon earn commuters hefty fines
The Centre plans to introduce new rules to check noise pollution, including fines ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 1 lakh.

Honking on roads unnecessarily may soon earn commuters hefty fines. The Centre is planning a number of measures to control noise pollution by checking the nuisance of excessive honking. According to the new rules, “The driver of a motor vehicle shall not sound the horn needlessly or continuously...and do so only when he considers himself or others to be in danger.”
First-time offenders will be fined Rs 500, while later offences will involve a Rs-1,000 penalty. The proposal is part of the Rules for Road Regulations, approved by the group of state transport ministers that was given the task of framing the Road Transport and Safety Bill. The regulations include an exclusive section on the use of horns, The Times of India reported.
The rules specify when and how an individual may resort to honking. They also prohibit the primary source of noise pollution in ‘silence zones’ and residential areas, as well as the use of multi-toned and air horns that emit a harsh, loud noise. According to one of the proposals, a fine of Rs 5,000 will be imposed on those who install multi-toned and air horns in their vehicles. However, car dealers and garage owners who install such horns in vehicles will face a much higher penalty of Rs 1 lakh.
These proposals will most likely feature in the amendments to be made to the Central Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. The Road Transport Ministry plans to bring up the amendments to the Act during the Monsoon Session of Parliament.