DNC email leak points to Democrats' bias against Bernie Sanders
The data trove also gave away donors’ identities and other details like phone numbers, passport and social security numbers.

A series of internal email released by Wikileaks on Friday revealed that top officials of the Democratic National Committee secretly planned to undermine Bernie Sander’s presidential campaign. The release comes at a time when the party is gearing up to officially nominate Hillary Clinton as its presidential candidate, reported The Verge.
The data trove includes 19,252 emails with 8,034 attachments that were circulated among seven committee officials between January 2015 and May 2016. Most of the emails were from Communications Director Luis Miranda. The Intercept reported that some of the messages show the committee discussed the prospect of using Sanders’ religious beliefs to sabotage his campaign. The emails also reveal donors’ identities and other details like phone numbers, passport and social security numbers. According to Gizmodo, some exchanges give away credit card details.
In early July, the Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated charges against Hillary Clinton for sending out emails from a private server when she was the secretary of state. However, the FBI did not recommend any action against her and said Clinton and her aides were “extremely careless” while handling classified and sensitive information.