Fliers handed out in support of US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign have misidentified an American-Sikh man as a Muslim supporter on flier in Indiana, The Huffington Post reported. Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks said the campaign “does not recognise” the pamphlet.

The person featured on the flier, Gurinder Singh Khalsa, is a resident of Fishers city in Indiana, WTHR television channel reported. Khalsa said, "I am not Muslim and I do not support Trump. Khalsa said no one sought his permission to take or publish the photo. "It was shocking, disturbing and this will create more confusion among people because they are sending it nationwide.”

Khalsa is the founder of the Sikh Political Action Committee that aims to assist Americans learn the differences between Sikhism and other religions. He said they "have to work hard" to teach national-level politicians and the presidential candidate the difference between Muslims and Sikhs.

According to WHTR, Eyewitness News helped Khalsa connect with Trump campaign officials, who expressed regret over any confusion caused and said they would rectify any problem.