The Enforcement Directorate has reportedly detected deposits of around Rs 1.5 crore in demonetised notes in Bahujan Samaj Party Mayawati’s brother’s bank account. The money was deposited after the Centre’s announcement demonetising Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes in an attempt to crack down on black money and counterfeit currency. Investigators discovered the deposits while searching a Delhi branch of the Union Bank, according to NDTV.

The agency also found huge amounts of demonetised cash – around Rs 402 crore in total – deposited in the party’s banks accounts, PTI reported. The ED has asked for more information from the Income Tax department and bank and has also requested CCTV footage from the bank branch.

Authorities are also reportedly investigating Mayawati’s brother Anand for investing black money in the real estate sector.

Mayawati is one of the main contenders in the upcoming elections in Uttar Pradesh, which is the state with the most Assembly seats in the country. Polls will apparently be held as early as February or March 2017.