Same-sex attraction is fine, it’s alright if boys cry, says health ministry adolescent education kit
The guidelines tackled matters considered to be taboo, including homosexuality, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.

While the government and judiciary are still debating the legality of homosexuality, the health ministry has released resource material that appears to be a step in sensitisation towards same-sex attraction, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and gender-based violence, The Indian Express reported on Tuesday.
The Health Ministry’s initiative, Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram, aims to spread awareness among 26 crore adolescents in the country through 1.65 lakh peer educators called “Saathiyas”. Health Secretary CK Mishra released a resource kit on Monday, which has been prepared in association with the United Nations Population Fund, for the educators.
“Yes, adolescents frequently fall in love. They can feel attraction for a friend or any individual of the same or opposite sex. It is important for adolescents to understand that such relationships are based on mutual consent, trust, transparency and respect. Boys should understand that when a girl says ‘no’ it means no,” the English daily quoted the Hindi resource kit’s guidelines.
It provides information about abortion, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.
The literature also tackles stereotypes. “A boy can cry to give vent to his feelings. He can also be soft-spoken or shy. Being rude and insensitive is not a sign of masculinity. It is alright for boys to like things like cooking and designing that are normally associated with girls. The same applies for girls who talk too much or like to dress like boys or play games like boys. It is wrong to label such people as ‘sissy’ or ‘tomboy’,” the report said.