There is no pay gap at Google, says company 'surprised by US government's accusation'
The allegations made by the US Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs came without any supporting data or methodology, they said.

Google on Tuesday said that there was no pay gap in the company, contrary to allegations made by the United States Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. The company said they were surprised by the accusation that they did not compensate women fairly.
“We were taken aback by this assertion [by the US Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs], which came without any supporting data or methodology,” Google said in a post. “The OFCCP representative claimed to have reached this conclusion even as the OFCCP is seeking thousands of employee records, including contact details of our employees, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of documents we’ve already produced in response to 18 different document requests.”
The company said the government accused them of “systemic compensation disparities against women pretty much across the entire workforce” after they refused to hand over some information that went against their employees’ privacy. The government had specifically asked for pre-2015 salary information and permission to interview employees confidentially, they said.
Calling it a “fishing expedition”, Google said the request was a violation of their Fourth Amendment rights. The amendment protects US citizens against “unreasonable searches and seizures”.
Refuting the allegations of discrimination, the company said they followed an “extremely scientific and robust analysis method that relies on the same confidence interval used in medical testing”. Google has also made their methodology public so that other organisations can follow it to for fair pay practices. They said their analysis conducted in 2016 did not show any pay gap in the company.