A businessman is flying 4,000 cows into Qatar to boost its milk supply as the blockade continues
Moutaz Al Khayyat will transport the animals on 60 Qatar Airways flights.

A Qatari businessman is flying 4,000 cows into the Gulf state to counter the supply shortage triggered after seven nations isolated Doha for allegedly funding terrorism. To protest against the other nations cutting off diplomatic ties with Qatar, Moutaz Al Khayyat will transport the animals in 60 Qatar Airways flights. “This is the time to work for Qatar,” the chairperson of Power International Holding told Bloomberg.
Qatar is currently saddled with a shortage of fresh milk as most of it used to come from Saudi Arabia until June 5. Al Khayyat has been expanding his agricultural business at a farm that is located about 50 km from Doha.
The cows, bought in Australia and United States, will start providing fresh milk by June-end, Al Khayyat said. By mid-July, it will cover a third of Qatar’s demand, he said. “No one in his daily life feels a crisis,” Al Khayyat said.
The isolation has disrupted trade, and forced Qatar to open new routes to import food, building materials and equipment. While Turkey is supplying dairy goods, fruit and vegetables are being imported from Iran. “Our government has made sure we have no shortages and we are grateful for that,” government employee Umm Issa told Bloomberg. “We have no fear. No one will die of hunger.”