Online retailer Flipkart reported gross sales of more than Rs 2,600 crore in June, beating Amazon India’s Rs 2,400 crore, Mint reported on Wednesday. Despite the sluggish e-market, Flipkart and its fashion units Myntra and Jabong had better sales in May, too, together surpassing Amazon’s last quarter sales by a great margin.

Shoppers brought in revenue of about $15.5 billion (nearly Rs 1 lakh crore) for e-commerce websites, Mint reported quoting data from RedSeer Management Consulting. According to the data, this revenue was a 5% jump from that posted in the March quarter and a 19% year-on-year increase.

Sales of both Flipkart and Amazon are growing much faster than the trend in the overall e-commerce market. This implies that they are drawing in a large share of customers from rivals such as Snapdeal.

Although neither e-tailer commented on their sales, an Amazon spokesperson said 80% of its new customers were from lower-tier regions. “We track independent third parties that measure customer visits and app behaviour metrics and note that we continue to grow ahead of the market,” the spokesperson said.