Facebook has decided to acquire polling app tbh, a media release on the “positivity-focused” startup’s website said. Tbh is an app which lets people anonymously answer multiple-choice questions about friends, who then receive the results as compliments. It is mostly used by teenagers and young adults

“Today we are announcing that we are joining Facebook to continue our mission,” the startup said on Monday. “When we met with Facebook, we realized that we shared many of the same core values about connecting people through positive interactions. Most of all, we were compelled by the ways they could help us realize tbh’s vision and bring it to more people.” The polling app started operations in August.

The firm said it would continue to build more features to improve user experience even after it is acquired by Facebook. No date or price has been announced for the acquisition.

“tbh and Facebook share a common goal - of building community and enabling people to share in ways that bring us closer together,” Facebook said about the deal in a statement to TechCrunch. “We are impressed by the way tbh is doing this by using polling and messaging, and with Facebook’s resources tbh can continue to expand and build positive experiences.”

tbh had said that over 50 lakh people had downloaded the app over the last few weeks, and sent over 100 crore messages.