CBSE asks affiliated schools to sell only NCERT books on their premises
The board directed the authorities to refrain from coercing parents to buy items from selected vendors only.

The Central Board of Secondary Education has warned schools affiliated to it against selling books of publishers other than the National Council of Educational Research and Training. In its latest circular, the board also said that schools are allowed to sell stationery items at tuck shops within school premises, but items cannot be priced above the maximum retail price.
“Selling books other than NCERT books in these shops, will be considered a violation of this circular, and will attract action against the school,” the board said in the circular. The CBSE also directed schools to refrain from the “unhealthy practice” of coercing parents to buy books and stationery items from selected vendors only.
In April, the CBSE had allowed schools to open tuck shops on their campus, but asked them not to indulge in commercial activities by selling textbooks and school uniforms. Over 18,000 schools in the country are affiliated to the CBSE.