Manufacturing sector reported loss of 87,000 jobs from April to June 2017: Labour Bureau data
There was a loss of 12,000 jobs in the corresponding period in 2016.

The manufacturing sector reported a loss of 87,000 jobs between April and June 2017, the sixth round of the Labour Bureau’s Quarterly Employment Survey shows. There was a loss of 12,000 jobs in the corresponding period in 2016.
The survey, which looked at data from eight sectors – education, health, construction, trade, accommodation and restaurant, Information Technology, manufacturing and transport – said 64,000 jobs had been added since the previous quarter. It was the slowest rate of increase in three quarters, The Indian Express reported.
The education sector added the most number of jobs, with 99,000 workers getting employed.
Contractual employment decreased by 64,000 workers in the period, with the sharpest decline seen in the manufacturing sector where 54,000 contract workers lost their jobs. Casual employment also decreased by 23,000 workers, while regular employment saw an addition of 1.48 lakh workers.