Passengers with a change of plans can now transfer their confirmed train tickets to others
School students, National Cadet Corps, government servants as well as groups heading to weddings can avail this facility.

Passengers with a confirmed railway reservation who cannot make the journey can now transfer their ticket. The Indian Railways said on Thursday that passengers will have to request for such a transfer at least 24 hours before departure.
The ticket can be transferred to the holder’s parent, spouse, sibling or child. If the passengers are school students, the headmaster can transfer the ticket from one student to another if the request is made more than 24 hours in advance.
The head of a group travelling by train for a wedding can also get a ticket transferred from one member of the group to another. Members of the National Cadet Corps and government servants can also avail this facility and transfer their ticket to others within their profession, the notification of the Indian Railways said.