A 20-year-old woman in Madhya Pradesh’s Satna district went to the police superintendent’s office on Wednesday with a five-month-old foetus that she alleged her rapists had forced her to abort, the Hindustan Times reported on Thursday. The police have filed several cases against two brothers, their two accomplices and a nurse but has not made any arrests yet.

The two brothers, Neeraj and Dheeraj Pandey, allegedly raped the Dalit woman, who lives in the same locality, “for months”. When she got pregnant, Neeraj Pandey promised to marry her but later backed out, she claimed. They then allegedly abducted her in February and raped her for two more weeks. On Tuesday, they forcibly took her to a clinic, along with two accomplices, and got her foetus aborted with the help of the nurse.

The police have filed cases against the accused for rape, kidnapping, forced abortion and criminal intimidation, as well as under relevant provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, Superintendent of Police Rajesh Hingankar told the Hindustan Times.

The woman’s family alleged that they first went to file a complaint at Satna’s Civil Lines Police Station, but they were beaten up there, according to News18.