Rebel Aam Aadmi Party MLA Kapil Mishra on Tuesday claimed that if a slap could make a person a terrorist, then Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal would have become Osama bin Laden. Mishra was referring to Pulwama attacker Adil Ahmad Dar, who was reportedly hit by policemen in Kashmir before he became a terrorist. At least 40 jawans of the Central Reserve Police Force were killed in the Pulwama suicide bombing on February 14.

An auto rickshaw driver had slapped Kejriwal in April 2014, during the Lok Sabha election campaign that year. He was also slapped on two other occasions, by different men, during the campaign.

Mishra also accused Kejriwal of being a Naxal, PTI reported. “You are fighting a battle to restore the prestige of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, which has got the tag of being anti-national,” he said, while addressing a public meeting organised by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s student union Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad at the university. “But Communists, Naxals do not only come out of JNU. Some also come out of the Indian Institute of Technology [Kejriwal’s alma mater], and I am fighting one such Naxal.”

Mishra said Communism has ended across the world but some people are still holding on to it. “They are museums,” he asserted.

Mishra, who was sacked as the AAP government’s minister of water resources in Delhi in 2017, claimed on Tuesday that some “pseudo-liberals and pseudo-secular” people are trying to divert attention from the Pulwama attack by using the hashtag #SayNoToWar. He claimed that the country has been at war for the last 1,400 years, and the time has come to “fight, win and end this war to get peace”.

“The pseudo-liberals have double standards,” he claimed. “On one end, they pitch that there should be no war and on the other side, they question the veracity of [Indian Air Force’s] air strikes [on Balakot] and say no one was killed. If our 12 jets went and killed no one, Prime Minister Narendra Modi should be given the Nobel Prize for Peace.”