Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi on Wednesday criticised the Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government after police charged Bharatiya Janata Party leader Chinmayanand for allegedly kidnapping a law student. A case was registered on Tuesday after a law student went missing soon after posting a video on social media, alleging harassment by influential people.

Although the woman had not named anyone in the video, a missing person complaint filed by her father had named Chinmayanand, who is the president of her college administration.

In a series of tweets, Gandhi questioned the ruling BJP in the state on the condition of women’s safety in Uttar Pradesh. “Not a day goes by in Uttar Pradesh, when the BJP government manages to assure women that you are safe and you will get justice if something happens to you,” Gandhi tweeted. “The girl who raised her voice is missing. Nobody knows what is happening with her. How long will this last?”

The Congress’ general secretary for eastern Uttar Pradesh also compared the missing law student’s case with the Unnao rape that allegedly involved expelled BJP leader Kuldeep Singh Sengar. “If a woman complains against a BJP leader, far from getting justice, she is not even guaranteed of her safety,” Gandhi said.

She also highlighted that the government under Adityanath had tried to withdraw a rape case against Chinmayanand last year, saying that it was “very clear who the government is supporting”. “Girls of Uttar Pradesh are watching,” she said.

The woman, a student at a law college in Shahjahanpur, had posted the video asking Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Adityanath for help. The 72-year-old Chinmayanand, however, claimed that he was being framed like Sengar in the Unnao rape case.

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