Let's press rewind on the last seven days.
Look out Hollywood, here comes Chollywood

The Chinese film industry is growing at a scorching pace and challenging American studios with its ambitions. Read more here.
That red streak in the parting of the hair can really cause havoc on the screen

Sindoor is too traditional to be universally cool, but too relevant to be mocked. Read more here.
Before ‘Mirzya’, Mirza and Sahiban have died over and over again for their love

Numerous versions of the legend exist, including productions in Punjabi on both sides of the border. Read more here.
How the Emmy-award-winning battle scene from ‘Game of Thrones’ was made

The 22-minute sequence is gritty and visceral, giving the viewer a real sense of the chaos of men and horses fighting in the mud. Read more here.
BBC show ‘Fleabag’ proves that you can get away with a lot with a proper English accent

The latest in brave and brazen British television features a rude and confused woman bumbling her way through life. Read more here.