Several film celebrities have spoken out in support of the sudden government move to introduce demonetisation and replace the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes in circulation with new Rs 500 and Rs 2,000 notes. The crackdown on what is supposedly a rampaging parallel economy has been hailed by film personalities, including Rajinikanth, Aamir Khan, Amitabh Bachchan and Karan Johar. Singer Sonu Nigam and filmmaker Milap Zaveri have added their voices to the chorus. The short film Kaagaz, directed by Zaveri, who was most recently responsible for Raakh, has been commissioned by Nigam. In the video, Nigam speaks of the different kinds of paper that we deal with in our everyday lives – textbooks, newspapers, music sheets. “The ones who turn notes to ashes, remember that there is a new tomorrow,” the singer intones while gazing upon the sun.
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