Despite numerous protests and threats of attack, the producers of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati seem to be taking firm, if cautious steps, towards the movie’s planned release on December 1. A new song video has been released, the second after Ghoomar. Composed by Bhansali, sung by Shivam Pathak, and written by AM Turaz, Ek Dil Ek Jaan is a simple ode to the undying love between Rawal Ratan Singh (Shahid Kapoor) and his second wife Padmini (Deepika Padukone). The visuals reveal the bond between Rawal and Padmini, which is tested with the news that Alauddin Khilji (Ranveer Singh) is marching on their kingdom to take Padmini by force. The visuals, lensed by Sudeep Chatterjee, carry the day.
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