You’ve read the Legend of Sleepy Hollow? Or the Disney adaptation? Or the more recent Tim Burton movie with Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane?

Well, Sleepy Hollow (Star World Premiere) is yet another spin on the legend. And, trust me, this one means serious business.

Set in present day Sleepy Hollow, the show follows police Lt Abigail Mills and her 250-year-old companion Ichabod Crane, a soldier from the 18th century Colonial army, while they perform their duties as the witnesses of the Apocalypse, fighting the Horsemen of Death and their lord, Moloch.

Intense, right?

That’s why the charming Tom Mison as Ichabod Crane is so perfect. His impeccable colonial manners, his stress on the correct usage of the English language, and his disappointment with what the America he fought for has turned out to be ensure that the dark, supernatural thriller gets its share of comedic relief.


As Abbie and Crane battle angels of death, werewolves, and creatures that even the most diehard horror-movie-loving audience may be unacquainted with, they face their own personal histories, secrets and families – and it is not pretty.

The show is funny, scary and, honestly, not always very easy to follow. But one thing you can always count on is that in Sleepy Hollow things almost always fall into place. Most conveniently.