Life of Pi actor Suraj Sharma has been cast alongside Javicia Leslie as a regular character in the CBS drama God Friended Me, Deadline reported. Described as a light-hearted procedural, the television series is from Alcatraz co-creators Steven Lilien and Bryan Wynbrandt, and will be directed by Marcos Siega.
In God Friended Me, outspoken atheist Miles (Brandon Micheal Hall) is friended by God on Facebook. God Friended Me will explore questions of “faith, existence, and science”, according to reports.
Sharma will portray Miles’s best friend and co-worker Rakesh Sehgal, who has been described as “good-natured, funny and likeable”. Since Sharma’s character is a coder and occasional hacker, he helps Miles research God’s Facebook account. Leslie will play Miles’s encouraging younger sister Ali Finer, who is working on her PhD in Psychology.
Sharma was last seen in Bromila Chatterjee’s modernised adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, titled The Hungry (2017). He has also been in the Anushka Sharma production Phillauri, several Homeland episodes and Million Dollar Arm (2014).