In the trailer of Sanjib Dey’s III Smoking Barrels, the lives of three troubled people intertwine against a politically charged background. Produced by Amit Malpani, the thriller has been shot across the North East and features dialogue in English, Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Nagamese, and Manipuri. III Smoking Barrels will be released on September 21.

According to the official synopsis, III Smoking Barrels comprises “Stories from Far East India”, and is an “anthology of three stories, each exploring a different stage in life - A child involved in armed conflicts, a boy in drug peddling and a man entangled in elephant poaching”. The trailer features the three protagonists navigating though the crises in their lives with varying degrees of intensity. The cast includes Indraneil Sengupta, Shiny Gogoi, Subrat Dutta, Amrita Chattopadhyay, Mandakini Goswami and Siddharth Boro.

In an interview with The Hindu in 2017, Dey said he hoped to elaborate on the characteristics of North-East India in III Smoking Barrels. “Through this film, I am trying to touch upon the complexities of this beautiful region, while showcasing its ethos; and I wanted to diligently explore these three issues, their cost on humanity and what it speaks about us as a society,” he said.

III Smoking Barrels (2018).