'How dare anyone try to break India into parts?’: Photos from ABVP march against 'anti-nationals'
Mayank Jain
ABVP resignations in JNU: 'Last resort of the Left and an attempt to divert the issue'
Ipsita Chakravarty
'Hooliganism not nationalism': Three ABVP leaders resign citing JNU and Rohith Vemula incidents
Scroll Staff
Propaganda war: Sangh Parivar takes to the streets to paint JNU as a 'den of traitors'
Anjali Mody and Mayank Jain
How ABVP is bringing caste violence into universities by imposing its idea of the sacred on everyone
Ajaz Ashraf
JNU campus row: Students Union president arrested
Scroll Staff
ABVP protests against pro-Afzal Guru event at Jawaharlal Nehru University
Scroll Staff
Nationalists or jingoist bullies? Charting the ABVP's rise from the margins
Mayank Jain