As nilgai destroy crops along India-Nepal border, farmers urge government action
Mukesh Pokhrel
The flight of the florican: An ornithologist’s lifelong quest to save a terrestrial bird
Ghazala Shahabuddin
The fertiliser addiction of Indian farming is a crisis
Aishwarya Mohanty
Thirsty crops, tired soil: Vicious loop threatens India’s food and water security
Aishwarya Mohanty
Why Indian farmers can’t escape the trap of monocropping
Aishwarya Mohanty
Chocolate is going to get more expensive as Brazil’s cocoa crops struggle in arid weather
Narcisa Pricope, The Conversation
Punjab sketchbook: The lonely, determined battle of rural women as farm debt pushes men to the edge
Vidyun Sabhaney
Backstory 2024: When I trekked two hours in Himachal for an interview
Vaishnavi Rathore
Why dams, irrigation projects have done little for Marathwada’s parched farmers
Varsha Torgalkar,
Sugar is terrible for our health – and the environment
Paul Behrens, The Conversation Alon Shepon, The Conversation
A new book records the difficulties farmers face when working under the NREGA scheme
Indrajit Roy Zaheeb Ajmal Ankur Jaiswal
Farmers get only a third of what consumers spend on vegetables, fruits: Reserve Bank study
Scroll Staff
Monsoon set to withdraw, India records surplus but erratic rainfall with regional variations
Tanvi Deshpande,
How the changing weather is decreasing milk yield in India
Sneha Richhariya
India is counting pastoral livestock for the first time in history
Mercy Austin
The death of two Indians and why European farms have ‘slavery-like’ practices
Joanna Gill, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Running with bulls: South African vineyard incorporates cattle, other animals for chemical-free wine
Georgina Crouth, The Human Journalism Network
Paddy farming takes a beating due to poor rainfall in northern plains
Nidhi Jamwal
Eco India: What ails the humble onion?
Scroll Staff
In the face of extreme, fluctuating weather, developing climate-resilient wheat a daunting challenge
Charu Bahri,