Congress urges Indore voters to press NOTA button, says it won’t back any candidate
Scroll Staff
Democracy: A new book questions whether the people (or the experts) are always right
Erica Benner
Is the 2024 Lok Sabha election India’s last chance before the point of no return?
Sajjad Hassan
The Dutch are drawing a line – to keep populists out of power. Can other countries do so as well?
Daniel Drache, The Conversation Marc D Froese, The Conversation
Few Indian youngsters have registered to vote –and what that means
Sreya Sarkar
The Tamil Nadu voter who views the BJP as a threat to the education system
Nolina Minj
The Tamil repatriate voter who opposes the BJP because of the CAA and NRC
Johanna Deeksha
‘Democratic deficit’: Low wages, high costs and distance make voting difficult for migrant workers
Shreehari Paliath,
Senegal’s swears in new president – an inspiring success story for democracy in Africa and beyond
Ashok Swain
In his new book, Sam Pitroda examines whether capitalism can allow a true democracy to prosper
Sam Pitroda
The glaring oversight in the US Congressional report on Bhutan’s long struggle for democracy
Suraj Budathoki
85% of Indians support autocracy or military rule, shows Pew survey
Scroll Staff
In the face of media repression and government control, Kenyans turn to memes to voice frustration
George Ogola, The Conversation
Pakistan elections: The military establishment may have won the battle, but it is losing the war
Ershad Mahmud
A new book decodes the global path of sovereignty of the people, and its future
Nazmul Sultan
How Argentinians are pushing back against Javier Milei’s aggressive reform policies
Phoebe V Moore, The Conversation Luciana Zorzoli, The Conversation
Removing ‘secularism’ from the preamble will sound democracy’s death knell: ex-SC judge KM Joseph
Scroll Staff
Lessons from Pakistan polls: Distortions of mainstream media, social media curbs can prove futile
Waqas Ejaz Mitali Mukherjee
Sri Lanka: Could free and fair elections bring actual change this year?
Thiruni Kelegama, The Conversation
Pakistan: Verdict loud and clear, but people’s mandate seems to have been stolen yet again
Zahid Hussain,