Supportive parents, talking politics: Research shows why Indian girls are less politically engaged
Sara Wilf, The Conversation
Religion, culture or fashion – what does the rise in head-coverings in Bangladesh signify?
Deya Nurani
Indian Supreme Court’s hollow verdict on same-sex marriage reiterates inequality of queer people
Chapal Mehra
We break our backs for nothing: Across South Asia, women health workers are demanding their rights
Annie Banerji, Thomson Reuters Foundation Zofeen T Ebrahim, Thomson Reuters Foundation Aadesh Subedi, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Gender equality in Parliament: How do countries around the world fare?
Emma Batha, Thomson Reuters Foundation Lin Taylor, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Interview: Political reservations for women are the best strategy for long-term change
Smitha Nair
Long voyages, life in faraway lands: The women of the East India Company
Mark Williams
Extreme heat mortality among Indian women could double by 2050, says study
Tanvi Deshpande,
‘Unclean’, ‘monstrous effects’, ‘the curse’: Menstruation has a long history of stigma, shame
Rachael Gillibrand, The Conversation
The caste of a chair
Johanna Deeksha
Interview: ‘Not seeing dyslexic, lesbian women thriving in India made it hard to see myself survive’
Sharif Rangnekar
How hospitals are helping combat violence against women
Mahima Jain
In the Centre’s UCC push, women’s rights and ‘religious neutrality’ are just optics
Saumya Saxena
Misogyny can be damaging for everyone – how to talk to boys about it
Sophie King-Hill, The Conversation
A feminist philosopher comes full circle to embrace Barbie again
Carol Hay, The Conversation
Trans people’s fight for their right to work
Nolina Minj
In a war-torn and forgotten country, there is little anyone can do for Afghan women
Rafia Zakaria,
Nepal implements new citizenship law, but long road ahead to end discrimination, statelessness
Emma Batha, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Men struggle mentally when women are household breadwinners, finds European study
Helen Kowalewska, The Conversation
What the murders of two women say about the dangerous, ‘heart-broken’ young men of India
Shannon Philip