Memories of my father Faiz Ahmed Faiz and our simple dal-chawal meals
Moneeza Hashmi
Tracing the overlapping lives of my great-grandfather and one of the heroes of the Bombay Plague
Luis Dias
In Egypt, archaeologists have made a discovery as important as the finding of Tutankhamen’s tomb
Anna M Kotarba-Morley, The Conversation
Long before The Great Khali and WWE, there were Basanta Singh and Gobar Goho
Anu Kumar
Was the decision to stop publishing six obscure Dr Seuss racist titles an erasure of history?
Monica Eileen Patterson, The Conversation
This book recounts the lives of Dalit leaders, many of them half-forgotten like Jogendranath Mandal
Sudarshan Ramabadran Guru Prakash Paswan
What impact did the Sikh Gurus have on the empires of Sikh kings?
Priya Atwal
Watch: Archaeologists discover 3,000-year-old ‘lost golden city’ in Egypt
Scroll Staff
This book visits the sites of India’s civilisations to reimagine 4,000 years of history
Rajmohan Gandhi
Did the Namboodiris change Malayalam to add Sanskrit elements to the language?
Peggy Mohan
Watch: On this date 125 years ago, the first modern Olympic Games were held at Athens
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Watch: The world’s deepest shipwreck, from 1944, has been mapped for the first time
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Watch: 22 Egyptian mummies transferred to new resting place in ‘Pharaoh’s Golden Parade’
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How harpists (including one from Benaras) were portrayed in the tales of the Buddha’s former lives
Maria Kekki
‘I tried to move away from a nationalist hagiography of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre’: VN Datta
Nonica Datta VN Datta
Pomp and power: A rare glimpse of life in the court of India’s last Mughal emperor
Munshi Faizuddin
Watch: Historian Ramachandra Guha on the joy of foraging through libraries, archives for information
Scroll Staff
How a French governor in Bengal wanted to drive the English out from India in the 18th century
Robert Ivermee
‘Sambhaji’: This Marathi novel on the life of Shivaji’s son is now out in English translation
Vishwas Patil
A ‘new’ poetry find has left lovers of Sappho thrilled, but its backstory may have been fabricated
C Michael Sampson, The Conversation