How to be an Indian journalist in Pakistan (especially when you’re tailed by the police constantly)
Meena Menon
45 years of Watergate: Why the journalism of the Washington Post-NYT holds lessons for today’s media
Saikat Datta
Watch: ‘Liberals think they're tolerant, but they're not’, explodes journalist Fareed Zakaria
Scroll Staff
How Woodrow Wilson’s war-time propaganda machine changed American journalism
Christopher B. Daly, The Conversation
Crushing the intellect: Pakistan’s war on free speech in the social media era
Altaf Khan, The Conversation
Decoding the fuss over Arnab Goswami's Republic TV
Vanita Kohli-Khandekar
Rajdeep Sardesai on the media: Sense has been replaced by sensation, news by noise
Rajdeep Sardesai
Kerala minister quits: Was it a honey trap? Doubts raised about TV scoop that led to resignation
TA Ameerudheen
'We have become the consumers of tragedy': Ravish Kumar on the Indian media's political agenda
Scroll Staff
Missing the UP wave: How social media and the Modi cult have changed election reporting
Ajaz Ashraf
The Readers’ Editor writes: Reporting vs commentary at the time of elections
C Rammanohar Reddy
Dossier on Russia-Trump ties poses questions about journalistic verification in the era of fake news
Ivor Gaber, The Conversation
Watch: Why Arnab Goswami's shouting worked
Scroll Staff
This comic book sets a standard for journalism that even journalists will admire
Debkumar Mitra
Arnab Goswami, forget India – come and join the news anchors’ party in Pakistan
Haseeb Asif,
'Dawn' journalist Cyril Almeida on the frenzy following his story on the army-government rift
Cyril Almeida
The Kashmir government is on a pernicious trip to squeeze the life out of print media
Sajjad Haider
Journalists resort to self-censorship after Maldives passes draconian defamation law
Omkar Khandekar
Gawker had its problems, but its death is worrying for all watchdog journalists
Jane B. Singer, The Conversation
'Mumbai Mirror thought this was a Balaji show headline': Crass sensationalism gets called out
Rhema Mukti Baxter