After the trauma of Covid-19 lockdown, some of India’s migrants have resolved to work closer to home
Anuja, Thomson Reuters Foundation
In busy Mumbai, gramastha mandal dormitories offer the comfort of the village in the city’s heart
Jonathan Galton
Despite repeated climate-related disasters in Assam, many have no desire to migrate
Aatreyee Dhar
Britain’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda has troubling echoes of its imperial past
Parvati Nair, The Conversation
India’s e-Shram portal should offer disaggregated data on migration to aid last-mile welfare
Harshita Sinha
Interview: How migration is affecting Uttarakhand’s voting patterns
Ranjona Banerji
A ghost village in Uttarakhand has been transformed by tourism and new work opportunities
Archana Singh
Where will you be living in 2050? A new book on the future of migration tackles this question
Mark Hannant
How civil society convinced migrant workers from a Madhya Pradesh district to get vaccinated
Harshita Sinha, IndiaSpend.com
‘In the womb of the Brahmaputra’: A flawed land policy lies behind violent eviction drives in Assam
Bidyut Sagar Boruah Anshuman Gogoi Gaurav Rajkhowa Ankur Tamuli Phukan
How plastic travels across geographies – and ends up in humans
Devayani Khare
In Kerala’s Kuttanad, climate change is forcing residents to abandon their homes
KA Shaji
How India’s move to reduce minimum referral wages could hurt its workers in the Gulf
Nidhi Menon, IndiaSpend.com Rohini Mitra, IndiaSpend.com
Second wave of Covid-19 has left migrant workers in India with no savings and few job opportunities
Shreehari Paliath, IndiaSpend.com
Why American climate fiction is fuelling age-old stereotypes about modern migration
Bryan Yazell, The Conversation
Climate change is already forcing farmers in Uttarakhand to migrate
Kasturi Das
A year after Covid-19 lockdown, India still doesn’t have reliable data or policy on migrant workers
Shreehari Paliath, IndiaSpend.com
A migrant’s reflection on accents: I hear myself speak in an alien voice – but can’t stop myself
Somnath Batabyal
Despite acknowledging India’s migrant distress, Budget 2021 fails to do much for workers
Rohini Mitra, IndiaSpend.com Chitra Rawat, IndiaSpend.com Nidhi Menon, IndiaSpend.com
What India can learn from other countries about effective rental housing for migrant workers
Rejeet Mathews Prayash Giria