It’s not easy to spot lies – and those good at lying know how to exploit these blindspots
Geoff Beattie, The Conversation
A clinical psychologist explains how young adults can navigate through their uncertain twenties
Meg Jay
Instead of buying your way to wellness, try this five-step method for wellbeing
Ben Gibson, The Conversation Victoria Ruby-Granger, The Conversation
A doctor writes about why one should not ignore signs of stress and burnout
Aditi Nerurkar
Sadness, horror, fear: Why even negative emotions can be useful
Heather Lench, The Conversation
What’s the key to personal progress? Plan like a pessimist, dream like an optimist, says a new book
Morgan Housel
A psychologist combines practice and real-life stories to show how recovery is possible
Scherezade Siobhan
‘Batshit’ is an engaging horror novel about the pathological effects of mother-daughter codependency
Veeksha Vagmita
‘Why Am I Like This?’: Judy Balan’s cosmic take on self-discovery is a wellness manual for everyone
Priyanka Mookerjee
What makes a ‘hero’? Is it personality, psychology or evolution?
Frank T McAndrew, The Conversation
Answers to mental health issues may lie in the future – and not in the past
Jolanta Burke, The Conversation
A new mathematical model can spot liars and counter disinformation
Dorje C Brody, The Conversation
An inexpensive way of reading brainwaves could come handy in criminal trials
Michel Funicelli, The Conversation
‘Granfluencers’ are using social media to dispel stereotypes about old age
Shweta Singh, The Conversation
Do you forget to do important things? It isn’t always your fault
Thor Grünbaum, The Conversation Søren Kyllingsbæk, The Conversation
Why can’t you remember anything from the first two years of your life?
Vanessa LoBue, The Conversation
Social media influencers are causing anxiety and depression among some of their followers
Samira Farivar, The Conversation Fang Wang, The Conversation Ofir Turel, The Conversation
Staring at your image on Zoom can have serious consequences for your mental health
Roxanne Felig, The Conversation Jamie Goldenberg, The Conversation
People with ‘dark’ personality traits are more enthusiastic about cryptocurrencies
Di Wang, The Conversation Brett Martin, The Conversation Jun Yao, The Conversation
Why do people behave so badly on dating apps? An answer from psychology
Martin Graff, The Conversation