body image
More research shows why social media is bad for youngsters’ mental health and body image
Emily Hemendinger, The Conversation
Why the body positivity movement risks turning toxic
Viren Swami, The Conversation
Men’s obsession with six-pack abs started long before Rambo and Terminator
Conor Heffernan, The Conversation
‘Strong is the new skinny’ isn’t as empowering as it sounds
Anthony Papathomas, The Conversation
Shamed and sidelined for too long, plus-size women in Pakistan are now speaking up
Annam Lodhi
Social media is putting pregnant women under pressure to look perfect
Amy Brown, The Conversation
Why the ‘fitspo’ movement is damaging to women
Elise Holland, The Conversation
Ads depicting negative body image may soon be banned in London’s transport network
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