Earth and Ashes
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New Bridget Jones book to be published in October
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Meet the man whom Mahatma Gandhi called 'the Father of the Nation'
Dinyar Patel
What do you do when someone you love has a 'different mind'?
Anupama Raju
How the suffocating house system of Hogwarts redeems itself in 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child'
Sneha Vakharia
Google was right to remember Premchand (with a doodle) and so should we
Niyati Bhat
Writing a novel? Try telling it in 300 words and three minutes
Kanchana Banerjee
Harry Potter and the mystery of the bestselling play
Shweta Sharan
Why this writer likes getting little girls into big trouble
Meera Nair
The terrible things that will happen if we forget the art of reading carefully
Shohini Sengupta
How Pakistan built a terrorist haven named Lal Masjid and then tried to dismantle it
Khaled Ahmed
The Oliver Sacks Collection
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On the Move: A Life
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An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales
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How to take on an entrenched, regressive social order, one novel at a time
Veena Muthuraman
Two personal tributes to Mahasweta Devi, and her response (though she never heard them)
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Naveen Kishore
Why do people seem so weary with literature? How do we rebuild the alphabet for writing?
Anjum Hasan
'Draupadi', Mahasweta Devi's memorable short story, and still chillingly relevant
Mahasweta Devi