Two coal crises in less than a year. What is India doing wrong?
Manish Kumar
In photos: In the push towards cleaner energy, what about those who will be left behind?
Saiyam Khosla
Fact check: Is there no coal shortage in India, as a Union minister claims?
Divyani Dubey,
Delhi warns of power outage in metro trains, hospitals due to coal shortage
Scroll Staff
In Nagpur, fly ash from two coal plants has left some villages gasping for breath
Tanvi Deshpande,
In West Bengal’s coal belt, villagers are struggling with joblessness and pollution
Niladry Sarkar,
Clear Rs 1.36 lakh crore in dues, or we would barricade coal mines, Jharkhand CM tells Centre
Scroll Staff
In India, a new plan aims to build ‘honourable’ living conditions in closed coal hubs
Roli Srivastava, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Four decades on, a stuck mining project in Jharkhand has left locals landless and jobless
Rahul Singh
In India’s coal belts, jobs are now hard to get – and harder to keep
Karishma Mehrotra
For India’s two richest men, Ambani and Adani, 2021 was all about clean energy
Niharika Sharma,
Without a clear framework on closure of coal mines, India’s transition to renewables will be messy
Mayank Aggarwal
Photos: India’s largest coal mining project has cast a pall of uncertainty over villages in Bengal
Snigdhendu Bhattacharya Subhrajit Sen
Indian pollution watchdog’s proposed guidelines for shutting old thermal plants fills a key gap
Mayank Aggarwal
Glasgow climate pact: An economist explains why India did not commit to coal phase out
Tanvi Deshpande,
COP26: China defends its decision of joining India on phasing down instead of eliminating coal
Scroll Staff
India, China need to explain move to water down text of climate deal on coal, says COP26 chief
Scroll Staff
Climate activist Greta Thunberg calls COP26 summit in Glasgow a failure
Scroll Staff
Will India use ‘coal shortage’ as an excuse to dilute its environmental laws?
Mayank Aggarwal
Explainer: Why the world is experiencing a sudden energy crisis
Lurion De Mello, The Conversation