workers' rights
18 Indians stranded in Libya to return: Centre
Scroll Staff
First batch of 64 Indian construction workers leave for Israel amid Gaza war
Scroll Staff
Why violence against domestic workers in Bangladesh largely goes unreported and unpunished
Faisal Mahmud
The Covid-19 migrant crisis showed why the state must protect living wages as a public good
Nivedita Jayaram Priyanka Jain
Why the new labour codes leave India’s workers even more precariously poised than before
Working People’s Charter
Coronavirus: Indian government is closing private spaces – but keeping its own offices open
Sruthisagar Yamunan
Predictions for post-coronavirus world: Increased xenophobia, greater marginalisation of workers
Tabish Khair
After 43 people die in factory blaze, fire official says: ‘Half of Delhi is like this’
Vijayta Lalwani
In Haryana, workers laid off from the automobile sector struggle to find new opportunities
Vijayta Lalwani
How a radical legal ideology gave rise to economic inequality in the US
Sanjukta Paul, Aeon
Deaths at Ghaziabad sewage treatment plant again show how little India cares about workers’ safety
Aabid Shafi