From its ancient antecedents to being the seat of the Mughal empire, moving on to its prime role in the British Raj and then as the capital to the newly independent India, it's hard to look at Delhi without seeing its glorious past.

Ayush Dinker, an artist from Bangalore also thought Delhi had much more to offer when he moved to the capital city in 2014. His love for the city has now been channeled into a hyperlapse video of Delhi that spans everything from its Mughal past to its Lutyens-built present.

“It took me close to 5,000 images to create this hyperlapse. I took a Delhi map and divided the city in four directions and then I would go shoot these monuments during golden hours,” said Dinker. He also added that he only chose monuments to create this body of work because these were easily accessible. “I generally avoided places like Akshardam temple and Red fort because it is under security personnel’s watch and difficult to shoot."

Shooting this hyperlapse wasn’t an easy task for Dinker. It took him over a month to collect step-by-step images and compile them into a video, which shows off the most beautiful bits of the capital.

On asked how he feels about photographing the less beautiful portions of the capital, he said “I am still exploring the city and if given a chance, I would like to go beyond hyper-lapses and do more story-telling through documentaries.” Dinker uploaded “Go Delhi Go – Hyperlapse” on his YouTube channel Ethereal two days ago and already has more than 16,000 views.