
Jon Stewart, a comedian and the host of The Daily Show is famous for turning serious news into a satire. But on Thursday night, he decided that he had no jokes to tell. Left stunned by the news of racially motivated shooting in Charleston’s church, South Carolina, he decided to open the show with the words, ““I have one job, and it’s a pretty simple job. I come in in the morning, and we look at the news, and I write jokes about it. But I didn’t do my job today, so I apologize. I got nothing for you, in terms of, like, jokes and sounds, because of what happened in South Carolina.”

Dylann Roof, a 21 year old white man killed 9 Black people in the church in Charleston. Agitated Stewart calls it a ‘terrorist attack’ even though it’s not an attack from any other religious group. He points out that America needs to label this kind of domestic shooting as an act of terrorism. He adds, ”If this had been what we thought was Islamic terrorism, we invaded two countries and now fly unmanned death machines over, like, five or six different countries to keep Americans safe. But 9 people are killed in a church, what about that?”.